Membership is FREE!
Definition Of A Member: To qualify, you must own and/or operate a Miata and *participate in club activities. Club dues are waived for the present time due to economic circumstances.
Guests are Welcome to attend events yet are not eligible for membership benefits.
*Participation is defined as follows: A member must attend a meeting and/or event with in a 3 month period 4 times each year. Failure to do so, will result in automatic termination of membership 'benefits' (not membership). This is set in place to protect the dealership.
Exceptions are subject to approval by one or more of the co-founders.
** Membership is offered free to sponsors and to the members from other Miata clubs outside the immediate metro area.  Membership in this category shall be "benefitless". Outside MEMBERSHIP does get you a link on our site for your club and participation in various club functions (i.e. road trips, and parades).  
For any event involving club funds (for non-members), it is asked that a contribution be donated to the club, be provided. Guests will be solely responsible for their own finances.

To Join: We suggest you first attend a meeting and/or event. At that time we will request your contact information and add you to our member list and notify the dealership.

Questions: Please contact Deborah @